Diatone ZMR 200 Build
Diatone ZMR 200 is ready to fly.
- Diatone ZMR 200 frame
- Sunnysky 2204 2300KV motors
- SP Racing F3 flight controller
- MXK Power Distribution Board with OSD + 5V an 12V BEC
- Foxeer HS1177 camera
- Diatone camera mount
- LittleBee 20A ESCs
- Lemon RX satellite
- 5045 Kingkong propellers
The power distribution board is a complete fail, don’t buy it. It burns out or if you are lucky you get horrible video noise and the OSD vanishes when applying throttle. There is a fix for this: soldering external capacitors. However I don’t feel like fixing complete boards like this with huge capacitors which make the build look like crap. This quadcopter needs a rebuild with new PDB and maybe even a cheap FC with OSD.
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